
About me

Why YzGuide:

I was a Teacher-Librarian in NY and NJ for over 40 years, working with all ages in every kind of setting:  urban, suburban, and rural school and public libraries, large universities and multinational corporations, small non-profits and local community centers.

I've also been active in various professional and social organizations as a presenter, consultant, conference chair, curriculum coordinator, study group leader, program facilitator, website developer, blogger, and catalytic curmudgeon.

In 2003 I retired from full-time work, allowing me to explore new interests, consult, mentor, and read whatever /whenever /wherever /however I want.

As a child I was taught to
  • S how what you've discovered/acquired
  • H elp others succeed
  • A ccept and Adapt other points of view and ways of doing things
  • R each out and not hoard
  • E ncourage and educate 
                       and that's been my mantra ever since.

In 2012 my husband and I moved to Reno NV, where I quickly became involved with the OLLI program at UNR, as the resident web-info guru.

I freely admit that I'm a format-agnostic infovore, addicted to:
    • alliteration and acronyms,
    • chocolate and coffee,
    • learning and laughter, 
                                  and I need to have a fix of each, every day.

FWIW, this is probably how it all started: